So I bought a new driver-- an Alien Ultimate Driver for $39.95-- I had a Big 5 gift certificate that needed spending, and whenever I'm in there I end up going back to them, noticing how light those modern drivers are, how nice the soft grips are, how big the face is, and wondering how well I'd hit a ball with one. Well, I found two things: (1) If I swing anywhere near the ball with this thing, it's going a long way-- it might slice, but not anywhere near me, and (2) I could swing it all day and not get at all tired.
It seems that I can hit further and easier with a bigger club (obviously), and that I can avoid slices by hitting with a club with more loft (and a smaller club), and so the plan is: to practice decreasing my slice with the driver, and increasing distance with the 5wood (which is somewhat heavier), and then, in that way....dial in on the 3. Continue to stick with the three clubs and a putter game, which I like a lot. Perhaps someday I'll be hammering them consistently straight and great with the 1, but I'm not in any rush-- it's almost too easy swing anyway-- crazy.
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